DR. MONICA MILLER, Founder & Director for a Pro-Life Society, along with MR. TREVOR POLLO, Director of Training for Protect Life Michigan will host the 7th Annual Midwest Apologetics Conference (MACVII) on Saturday, February 22.
Defending the Pro-Life position is the biggest challenge of our times. Join Dr. Monica Miller, whose will talk on the “Three Lessons of Abortion” and Trevor Pollo whose topic is “Defending the Pro-Life Position Even in Hard Cases.”
Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, Fr. Frank Pavone will not be able to attend the Midwest Apologetics Conference this year. However, the good news is we have a wonderful replacement, Dr. Monica Migliorino Miller.
Dr. Miller is the founder and Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society—an activist pro-life group that she began in 1985. She is also a well-known theologian who taught at Madonna University for 15 years—as an Associate Professor and currently teaches Theology at Fr. Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor and Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. She became active in pro-life work in 1976 when she attended Southern Illinois University where she was a student of Theatre Arts. She began her Theological studies at Loyola University of Chicago in 1978 earning a Master’s Degree and has a Ph.D. from Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Dr. Miller is a nationally known pro-life leader; a pioneer of the pro-life rescue movement, a veteran sidewalk counselor, who has organized hundreds of pro-life pickets, rallies, demonstrations and conferences. She is one of the organizers for the annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Babies as well as the annual “Protest PP” (Planned Parenthood) demonstrations. In addition, Dr. Miller is a co-founder of and participant in the Red Rose Rescue effort in which pro-lifers enter abortion centers to talk mothers out of abortions and offer an act of loving defense to the unborn scheduled for abortions.
Dr. Miller is the author of several books and articles including “Abandoned—The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars” (Saint Benedict Press), published in September 2012 — the historical narrative of pro-life activism — called by some the best book ever written on abortion. “Abandoned–The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars” describes Dr. Miller’s personal experience as a pro-life leader, talking women out of abortions, court trials and the retrieval of the aborted unborn from clinic trash dumpsters.
In 2008, Dr. Miller led the discovery of bio-hazard waste, patient records and the remains of aborted babies in Detroit-area abortion clinic trash containers that resulted in formal investigations by Michigan state regulatory agencies and criminal charges being brought against the Woman Care abortion facilities by the Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. In 2011, she helped shut down the Woman’s Choice abortion clinics in Michigan. Dr. Miller led the charge against the opening of the Planned Parenthood abortion mega-clinic in Auburn Hills. In 2012, after an 18-months-long effort, her group successfully kept the Planned Parenthood clinic from opening! She is a founding member of Red Rose Rescues and in the Summer of 2018 spent 32 days in jail for her efforts to defend the unborn from abortion.
Dr. Miller is married to Edmund Miller—founder of Guadalupe Workers— and is the mother of three beautiful children, Bernadette, Patrick and Joseph.
Our second speaker, Mr. Trevor Pollo, is the Director of Training for Protect Life Michigan (formerly known as Students for Life of Michigan) and has made over 100 college campus visits, bringing the pro-life message to both friendly and hostile crowds. He leads a statewide “Stump the Pro-Lifer” tour where he intentionally engages pro-choice advocates in constructive dialogue and defends the pro-life worldview in a passionate, reasoned, and scientific manner.

Mr. Pollo has also trained thousands of students and pro-life leaders in apologetics and leadership. His focus is on offering a passionate, logical, and irrefutable defense against the injustice of abortion.
Mr. Pollo’s presentation will encourage and equip you to defend life.
About Protect Life Michigan: Begun in 2005, pro-life student groups across Michigan gathered together on Michigan State University’s campus to establish “Students for Life of Michigan” (later Protect Life Michigan). These students formed a coalition of pro-life student groups to work together to protect life on college campuses across the state.
In 2013, they hired their first staff member and from there, the ministry skyrocketed as the need for a greater presence on campus’ became clear. Today, they have a team of trained professionals that mentor students into pro-life leaders, sponsor statewide events to equip young leaders in the pro-life strategies, and work to build an army of alumni serving the pro-life cause. They serve over 50 high school and college campuses with trainings, resources, retreats, activism opportunities, and much more all at no cost to the students.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see and hear two of the leading pro-life advocates of our time!
- 8:00AM – Registration Opens
- 9:00AM – Holy Mass
- 10:00AM – Continental Breakfast
- 11:00AM – Conference with Dr. Monica Miller & Mr. Trevor Pollo
- 3:00PM – Conference Ends
Registration FEE:
- Adults: $25
- Students & Children (under 18 years old): $15
To REGISTER – Eventbrite:
To REGISTER – via mail or drop off in Parish Office: