On Saturday, September 19, from 9:30AM to 11:30AM, the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Blessed Virgin Mary Assembly 1839 will collect unserviceable U.S. Flags.
Please enter the Activity Center parking lot from 18 Mile Road and drive to the back of the building and a member of the Knights of Columbus will respectfully collect your old, unserviceable U.S. flags from your car.
The Knights apologize that they will not be able to host the Flag Retirement Ceremony this year. The event is a beautiful patriotic and dignified event for citizens to recognize and honor the great country we live in. Past participants included the Selfridge Air National Guard Fire Department, the Sterling Heights Police Department Honor Guard, members of the Trail Life Troop MI-0214 and the American Heritage Girls Troop MI-0214. We are hopeful to be able to host the event in 2021.
The flags that are collected on September 19 will be delivered to a proper location to be retired in a dignified and solemn ceremony at a later date.

Canned Food Drive:
Also on that same day, Saturday, September 19, from 9:30AM – 11:30AM, there will be a canned food drive to help stock the food bank at St. Christine’s Community Services food bank. As more and more families are not able to make ends meet, they are coming to St. Christine’s Community Services food bank for groceries. The food bank currently helps 195 families each week; a 35% increase since last fall.
The foods that are most needed are:
canned meats or tuna, cereal, salad dressings, and taco or pizza making kits but donations of any canned or packaged foods (no glass jars, please!) will be greatly appreciated. Please bring your donation in a sturdy cardboard box or a bag ready to be transported.
Please enter the Activity Center parking lot from 18 Mile Road and drive to the back of the building.
Please have your donations in your trunk (preferably) or back seat. Volunteers will direct you to place your donation in the back of the delivery truck or will do this for you while practicing social distancing. You will then continue around the Activity Center and exit to 18 Mile Road. To make the drop-off run smoothly and quickly,