The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday, September 8

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


The feast of the Nativity of Mary stands in chronological connection with the feast of Conception of saint Anna, celebrated in the Eastern Church on December 9 since the 5th century and also with the fest of Election of Mary on December 8. It probably derives from the consecration of the Church of Saint Anna in Jerusalem in the 5th century. This church was built upon the alleged place of the birth-house of Mary.

The feast is attested in Rome since the 7th century and pope Sergius I (687-901) used to hold a procession on this day.

  • The gospel reading describes the genealogy of Jesus and the annunciation of the angel to Joseph about the birth of Jesus (Matt 1).
  • The prayer over the gifts underlines the perpetual virginity:

his birth from the Blessed Virgin did not diminish but consecrated her integrity