A Motor City Caravan for Life, sponsored by LIFESPAN, is taking place on Saturday, January 30. The Caravan will start at St. Hugo of the Hills Parking Lot (near Square Lake & Woodward) at 12:30PM, travel round-trip on Woodward Avenue to Downtown Detroit and back to Long Lake Road. It will then head east to White Chapel Cemetery where participants will pass by a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the grave of five aborted babies.

Complete details can be found at: http://www.miLIFESPAN.org or you may contact the Oakland/Macomb Chapter Office at 248-816-1546 or the Wayne Chapter Office at 734-422-6230.
NOTE: This is a cultural event for the Right to Life and not a political rally. Please DO NOT mix any signs for or against any political figure or party which may detract from the universality of our pro-life message.
We hope many of you can be a part of it! It’s not Washington, DC, but it is a local Pro-Life event…making it easier to be a part of!