Bishop Christopher Ndizeye Nkoronko, Bishop of the Diocese of Kahama, whose responsibilities include the spiritual care of our ‘Sister Parish’, Holy Family Parish in Kagongwa, Tanzania, visited our Parish last weekend.

Bishop Christopher updated us on the progress that has been made in Kahama as a result of the prayers and generosity of the parishioners of Ss. Cyril & Methodius. He also shared his vision for upgrading the St. Ann Dispensary, the source of health care for the local Kahama population, including the priests and the Bishop.

One of Bishop Christopher’s top priorities is to upgrade St. Ann Dispensary to a Health Center. His vision includes three building initiatives:
- First, because the current buildings are inadequate and in disrepair, a new building must be constructed. There are three existing buildings; two buildings in need of repair and an old one in need of replacement.
- Second, new equipment and medical devices need to be purchased.
- Third, staff will need to be hired to serve the needs of the people. Currently, St. Ann Dispensary operates 24/7 with only two nuns who work full time, all week long. Two part-time assistants are provided by the government on occasion, and a government doctor visits infrequently.

Once the Health Center is built and operational, the villagers who have government insurance will be allowed to use it for treatment. Currently, government insurance is not allowed at the Dispensary.
Also, according to government rules, services for children under five years of age, elder care and some pregnancy treatment must be provided for free.
Please consider these critical needs and keep Bishop Christopher and our Tanzanian brothers and sisters in your prayers. We are blessed with all of the good things our Lord has done for us, and with the wonderful country in which we live. Not everyone has had it so easy or is so fortunate. Our brothers and sisters in Tanzania remind us that many people in this world still have a long journey ahead, where obstacles and challenges abound.
If you would like to contribute to the efforts of our Sister Diocese, please place your contribution in an envelope and indicate “AFRICA”. Checks should be made payable to Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish and indicate on the memo line “AFRICA”.

If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity to our brothers and sisters in Tanzania.