Giving gifts to someone we love is natural. And so is showing favors, with the desire to obtain something back. Offering things to God, giving something to him is perceived by many …
Moses, standing above the River Jordan, looking at the Promised Land, and giving his final speech to the Israelites is emblematic for the situation of all the people of Israel and in …
The long prayer of Azariah from the Book of Daniel is a public penitential prayer. It started with profession that God acted correctly and the city of Jerusalem represented by its …
Very few people from the Old Testament receive endorsement by Jesus and Naaman the Syrian is one of them. Jesus mentions him in the gospel of today: there were many lepers in …
There is hunger for bread, thirst for water. Both are necessary for life. But people need more: joy, love, and hope. Valuable things can only be obtained as a gift.