Lent has begun; and once again we have the opportunity to join together as a parish family to help families and individuals in need. Please consider making one or more of these projects a part of your personal or family’s …
Read MoreTag: blood drive
Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making …
Read MoreThe next American Red Blood Drive at Ss. Cyril & Methodius will take place on Tuesday, September 22, from 1:00PM – 7:00PM.
As you know, donating blood products is essential to community health and the need for blood products is …
Read MoreBe a part of the life saving cause.
Please call the church office at 586-726-6911 or go to www.redcrossblood.org (sponsor code: stcyril) to schedule an appointment to save lives.