Our Slovak Festival is back!!! Plans are underway to celebrate more than ever at our upcoming Slovak Festival. Mark your calendars and save the dates for the best Festival in town:
Complete details on our Slovak Festival: https://saintcyrils.church/discover/slovak-festival/

RAFFLE: Congratulations to our Early-Bird winners, Nahla Katty and Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Kassab! The main drawing, with a grand prize of $5,000 cash, will be held at 7:00PM on the Sunday of the festival weekend. Tickets may be turned into the Parish office through Friday, August 13, and at the ticket sales tables at the festival on Saturday and Sunday, through 6:00PM on Sunday. If you would like tickets, please stop in the Parish Office or contact Karen Bove, 248-709-9055.

ENTERTAINMENT: Don’t miss our live entertainment!
Friday, August 13:
6:00PM – 11:00PM – Talent Show & Karaoke (sign up below)
Saturday, August 14:
3:00PM – 6:00PM – Millie’s Polka Band
6:00PM -7:00PM – Sarisan Slovak Folk Ensemble
7:00PM – 11:00PM – Phase Two Band
Sunday, August 15:
1:00PM – 3:00PM – Phase Two Band
3:00PM – 4:00PM – Sarisan Slovak Folk Ensemble
4:00PM – 8:00PM – Millie’s Polka Band

BAKE SALE: Professional, amateur and first-time bakers are needed to make this year’s Bake Sale a success. Look through those tried-and-true family recipes or explore something new … start planning today for what you can bake and donate to our August 13 – 15 Festival Bake Sale.
You may start dropping off your goodies in the Fr. Mikus Hall on Friday, August 13, after the 6:00AM Holy Mass. Because of allergies, we request that items with nuts be labeled, “contains nuts” and if you can, it won’t hurt to say “no nuts” if that is the case. Thank you in advance for your help and generosity. The Confirmation class will be volunteering at the Bake Sale so be sure to stop by, say hello and sample a goodie prepared by a fellow parishioner. Any questions, please contact Carroll or Paul Schuller, (586) 254-9212.
VOLUNTEERS: It’s not too late to sign up to help at the Festival. Volunteer Descriptions and to volunteer: https://saintcyrils.church/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Volunteer_FormDescriptions_2021Rev.06-29-21.pdf

TALENT SHOW: Whether you are a musician, an actor, a poet, a singer, a dancer, a magician or any other variety of talented individual, we want YOU to showcase your talents to perform in this year’s Talent Show! Start practicing now. There is plenty of time to brush up on your talents! Festival Performance Date: Friday, August 13, starting at 6:00PM under the Big Tent! Questions or to sign up for the Talent Show, please contact: Denis Duggan, (248) 240-8391 or email: denisduggan201@gmail.com

TOYS FOR KIDS TENT: Donations are needed for the Kids Carnival Games Tent. Please bring new clean toys to the church and place them in the marked bin in the vestibule. Items should be priced at $1-$5 each. Anything from the games, toys, or crafts section will do!

If you have questions or would like to volunteer at the Festival, please contact John Fournier, 248-410-5866.