An old-fashioned Parish Picnic is planned for Sunday, September 8, 12:30—7:00 p.m. We will have hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and pop! There will be old-time games and fun, such as sack races, balloon toss, three-legged races, and more, plus games for children and teens.
To help plan for the amount of food the parish needs to order, please complete the survey below. Also, if you plan to bring a dish to share, please let us know the type of dish you will bring. Cold items, hot items and desserts are welcome.
VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP: Many hands make light work. Please see the sign-up sheets in the vestibule to help in one of the following areas: **Set Up **Food Prep **Food Serving **Monitoring Games Area **Beverage Restocking **Helping to Run Cornhole Tournament **Helping to Run Ping Pong **Clean Up
**Large coolers will also be needed on the day of the Picnic, September 8.
If you have ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PICNIC, please contact Greg Wolf, 248-321-6845.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for this afternoon parish community get-together: