If you have not had a chance to read the book that was distributed at Easter, “Kingdom of Happiness, Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life”, by Father Jeffrey Kirby, STD, now is the time to pick it up and read it! If you did not receive the book at Easter, please stop in the office to pick up a complimentary copy! This is a wonderful book that is the basis for the upcoming 8-part study program that unveils Jesus’ plan for happiness in the Beatitudes.

Although God created us to be happy, the concept of happiness has been polluted in recent times. The world tells us our contentment will come from exercising our “freedom” so that we might pursue every pleasure or comfort offered to us. But in doing so, we surrender our freedom and become slaves to our passions.
Christ came and turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6-7). He showed us that only in dying to self and embracing our cross do we discover true joy. To help us do this, he stood upon a mount and gave us several marks of His interior life called the Beatitudes. These directives may seem paradoxical at first glance, but as was just noted, this is precisely how our Savior taught, with a reality that contradicts the world.
The above paragraphs are an excerpt from “Kingdom of Happiness, Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life”. The study program will:

¨ Show how the Beatitudes are much more than nice sayings, they are the path to happiness charted by Christ Himself
¨ Expose the “anti-Beatitudes” for what they are: the kingdom of man’s false promises of happiness that lead only to misery
¨ Inspire a renewed resolve to live the Beatitudes through video profiles of re-life people living the Beatitudes in their everyday life.
Father Jeffrey Kirby is featured in the teaching videos along with powerful profiles of normal people living out the Beatitudes in heroic ways.
Even if you haven’t read the book, you are welcome to join in the Program. Classes will be offered on Monday evenings at 6:30PM, September 9, led by Mary Bann, (248-459-8965 or mary@marybann.com) or Tuesday mornings at 10:00AM, beginning September 10, led by Marge Lewandowski, (586-822-7902 or mtlew1362@yahoo.com)
Study Guides are now available in the Parish Office ($22) on Mondays – Fridays from 10:00AM – 5:30PM. There is no charge for the 8-week program.
You may register with the group leader above or in the Parish Office.