American Heritage Girls Troop 0214

Tuesday, August 29

American Heritage Girls Troop 0214

Come learn about American Heritage Girls! This scouting alternative focuses on building women of integrity while embracing all the fun things to do with friends! Learn about how to achieve badges, do service work and projects, go camping and more all while embracing our faith and love for God!

We are having our annual round-up this Tuesday, August 29, from  7-8:30PM in the Activity Center. This event is where girls, old and new, can meet and do a game and activity together. Parents will join us for a short informational session and can ask us questions, and the opportunity to register.

We are looking for girls ages 5-18 (k-12) and we meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30 pm.

Please see the flier on the bulletin board in the vestibule for more information and a QR code.