Vacation Bible School News & Rules

Wednesday, June 26

Vacation Bible School News & Rules

A fun week is planned for all those who have registered for the Vatican Express (Vacation Bible School) from June 24-28! All seats are taken. Here are some important news and rules for those who are registered:

  • MASS or EUCHARISTIC LITURGY daily at 9:00AM (Parent must stay with the child at Mass. Mass is not required but highly encouraged. Have your children ever taken up the offertory gifts? If not, let me know?)
  • VBS runs from 10:00AM – 1:00PM daily!
  • DROP OFF your child/children each day in the Gallery no earlier than 9:45AM.
  • PICK UP your child/children in the Fr. Mikus Hall promptly at 1:00PM. Parents are encouraged to join us for our closing assembly at 12:50PM.  Allow a half hour for pick-up due to 250 kids being at camp this week. 
  • VBS T-SHIRTS are required to be worn each day with CLOSE-TOED SHOES (Gym shoes). Shirts will be available Monday morning of VBS either before or after Mass. 
  • ATTIRE: NO SHORT SHORTS—shorts must be a modest length.
  • FULL LUNCH will be provided. If your CHILD HAS AN ALLERGY and is bringing lunch from home, please drop the lunch off at the registration table in the Gallery.  I recommend that parents have a snack for the car ride home.  The children will be hungry and tired. 
  • WATER will be provided at each station, but children may bring their own water bottles. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Moe, (586) 219-6678.