A relatively recent feast was motivated by the veneration of the Holy Family in the 19th century. Canada. It spread under the enthusiastic support of Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) and Benedict XV.
Unlike most other liturgical feast days that celebrate specific events of salvation, the feast day of the Holy Family invites us to ponder the idea of the human family that finds its model in the family of Jesus.
Liturgy offers readings about the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt and their return (Matt 2), the presentation of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2), and the story about the 12-year-old Jesus lost in the temple (Luke 2). Both the OT and NT readings reflect on the relationships between the parents and children, or on the Christian way of life in the family.
Please, pray for Holy Family Parish, our Sister Parish in Kagongwa, Tanzania.
Holy masses at SS. Cyril and Methodius will take place on Saturday at 5.30PM and on Sunday at 7.30AM, 9.30AM, 11.30AM (Slovak), and 8.30PM.