The most ancient sources call this feast Annunciation (euangelismos) of the Mother of God. The official title Annunciation of the Lord underlines that this day has a character of a feast of the Lord.
The gospel of Luke …
The most ancient sources call this feast Annunciation (euangelismos) of the Mother of God. The official title Annunciation of the Lord underlines that this day has a character of a feast of the Lord.
The gospel of Luke …
This feast day reflects the biblical report about the visitation of Mary with Elisabeth, her relative (Luke 1:39-45). When the pregnant Elisabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child in her womb leaped for joy. The encounter of these two …
The veneration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is in a very close connection with the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Oratorian Priest John Eudes, besides celebrating the Sacred Heart with his religious community in 1646, …
The Roman Empire celebrated the beginning of the New Year with wanton festivities, ceremonies, and gifts. The Church tried to counteract as attested by the words of St. Augustin
… Read MoreThey will be giving new-year’s gifts, you should give alms.
Do you like a good story, especially when it’s a true good story? Then, come, join one of the sessions we have planned for you, showing how Our Lady, Mother of the Church, has brought certain recalcitrants into the fold, cheating …
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