After the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen composed a prayer to let the faithful know that they ARE NOT powerless against anti-life forces:
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby [baby’s name] that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.

On the weekend of October 5 & 6, you will have the opportunity to spiritually adopt an unborn baby who is in danger of abortion by signing up individually or as a family. Your mission is to pray the above prayer everyday for the unborn child for 9 months (October-June). There will be red hearts to place on a poster, and you can name your baby to give the baby the humanity he or she deserves. There will be monthly reports in the bulletin and posters on the wall describing your baby’s development. We will celebrate our babies during our annual Lenten Baby Shower.
This program is being promoted throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit by Walking With Moms in Need with the permission of Archbishop Vigneron. There are millions of babies in the world at risk of abortion. Let’s share our love through our prayers.
Thank you in advance for participation. Any questions, please call or email: Betty in the Parish Office: (586) 726-6911 or email: