Rorate mass

Friday, December 13

Rorate mass


Rorate, caeli, de super (Isa 45:8) Shower, O heavens, from above

These words of the biblical antiphone used in the liturgy during Advent gave name to the traditional Rorate mass, originally a votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin. The liturgical color is white and this early mass (before sunrise) is accompanied by candlelight.

There is also the custom that people walk in the dark of the early morning (carrying lamps and candles) to church and sing Advent hymns.

Join the celebration of the Rorate Mass at Ss. Cyril’s every Friday in Advent. Light procession begins at 6:00 am at the outdoor Slovak Cross, followed by Holy Mass in the Church. You may bring a candle for the procession. We will meet by the Slovak cross.