Blessed Solanus Casey is known for the miraculous healing powers of his prayers. But, he was also a musician! Some stories need to be sung! “More Love than Skill: A Saint and His Fiddle” is a one-Friar Musical, by Brother Al Mascia, OFM, inspired by the life of Blessed Solanus Casey, OFM Cap.
This one-man, one-act musical tells the story of Capuchin Franciscan Blessed Solanus Casey in a way he would surely approve of: through song and music!

“More Love than Skill: A Saint and His Fiddle” is the creation of Brother Al Mascia, OFM, a Franciscan Friar from another generation. Through original music and fiddle tunes that Casey would have known and played on his violin, Brother Al tells the story of a saint whose love of playing his instrument was often belittled. Although Brother Al has been a professional musician and singer-songwriter for many years, he had never picked up a violin. That is, until now!
This extraordinary depiction of Blessed Solanus Casey will be performed in the Father Mikus Hall at Ss. Cyril & Methodius on:
Saturday, October 22, at 7:00PM
Sunday, October 23, at 3:00PM
No charge for admission. Donations welcome!
For more information: or please contact (313) 320-0548