Monday, Second Week of Easter

Monday, April 20

Monday, Second Week of Easter


Liturgical readings are available here.

The Acts of the Apostles start the period of the Church: the community in Jerusalem forms immediately after Ascension and it is set on the way through the history: 2000 years and still counting.

The community does not start by devising a strategy and a tactic. There are people committed to their faith who start with a prayer, with conviction that they are going to win.

Their prayer is build on the style of Jewish prayers and it becomes a model of prayer in early Christianity. They:

  • address God as the sovereign Lord;
  • recall his mighty deeds since the creation of the world;
  • describe the current danger;
  • petition for the strength of the Spirit;

All events of the world are known to God and he is powerful enough – nothing can slip out of his mind or out of his hand. Human prayer does not serve to remind him of his obligations towards us, but rather to remind us of the constant assistance of the Spirit in our lives.