Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19, and our Father’s Day Novena will begin on Monday, June 20. Novena Mass cards are available after all Holy Masses on weekends and in the Parish Office on weekdays.
Parish Office Hours are:
- Mondays & Wednesdays: *10:00AM – 2:00PM
- Tuesdays & Fridays: *11:00AM – 2:00PM
- Thursdays: *11:00AM – 5:00PM
- *Parish Office closed during 12:00PM Holy Mass

If you would like to have a card (or cards) mailed to you, please either call the Parish Office (586-726-6911) or:
- Email: parishoffice@saintcyrils.church
- In the subject line, write: FATHER’S DAY NOVENA
Make donation for cards by either:
- using PushPay on our parish website or
- make check payable to “Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish” and mail it to 41233 Ryan Rd., Sterling Heights, MI 48314
* Suggested Donation: $10 per Novena