Lenten Projects – 2025

Friday, April 18

Lenten Projects – 2025

Lent has begun; and once again we have the opportunity to join together as a parish family to help families and individuals in need. Please consider making one or more of these projects a part of your personal or family’s almsgiving this Lent. Prayer † Fasting † Almsgiving


Baby Shower for Image of God Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC): Celebrate Life! at the parish baby shower/Fellowship on Sunday, March 23, in the Fr. Mikus Hall after the 9:30AM Holy Mass. Show the moms and babies served by Image of God CPCs your love and care for them by helping to shower them with much needed baby items. Joseph Monte, Director of Image of God CPC will be available at the Baby Shower to provide information and to answer questions.  Bring new baby items to the hall or drop them off before any Holy Mass on March 22 and 23. All donations are appreciated, but the most-needed items include: diapers, sizes 4, 5 and 6; baby wipes, baby wash, baby lotion, diaper rash ointment, high chairs, carriers, diaper bags and they are in most need of 3-in-1 car seats.

Easter Dinner Baskets: Help the families assisted by St. Dominic’s Outreach Center celebrate Easter.  Our parish has been asked to provide Easter Dinner “Baskets” for 25 families. Each Dinner “Basket” should include the following items for a family of 5: instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables, macaroni and cheese mix, dinner rolls, a dessert mix and a Kroger or Walmart gift card to purchase a ham and perishable items. If you wish, you may include Easter-themed disposable plates, napkins or tablecloth. Please pack your dinner items in a sturdy box or a reusable, sturdy bag rather than a basket.

Please return your baskets before any Holy Mass on the weekend of April 5 or 6 or they may be dropped off in the office on Thursday or Friday, April 3 or 4.  If you plan to donate a basket, please put your name on the sign-up sheet located on the table in the vestibule; or email parishoffice@saintcyrils.church or call the Parish Office.


Baby Bottle/Change Collection for Mary’s Mantle: During Lent, fill up a baby bottle with loose change from around your house or with the savings from your Lenten sacrifices. Baby bottles are available in the church vestibule or in the Parish Office. Please fill your baby bottles with coins, dollars or checks (made payable to: “St. Nicholas Council, 7011”. The filled bottles will be collected by the Knights of Columbus, St. Nicholas Council, on Divine Mercy weekend, April 26 & 27. Our individual bottles combined will offer real assistance to Mary’s Mantle, a local Catholic residence for homeless pregnant women. You can also make a donation to Mary’s Mantle directly on their website: marysmantle.net or use the code on the right:

Catholic Relieve Services:  On the weekend of March 29 & 30, a special collection will be taken for people living in developing countries around the world through innovative solutions that strengthen communities and equip them with resources and skills to prosper.  Your donations help our brothers and sisters in the United States and around the world.  Envelopes for this collection can be found on the table in the vestibule or in the Parish Office.  


† Serve as an Usher (Gentlemen): Contact: Frank Moran, (586) 846-4930, Lou Persichetti, (248) 561-1240, or the Parish Office, (586) 726-6911

† Volunteer at a Fish Fry:  Fridays, March 21, 28, April 4 & 11. Contact: Jon Schnellbacher, (586) 907-7745 or sterlingheightsknights@gmail.com

† Help Clean the Church:  Wednesday, April 16, after the 12:00PM Holy Mass. Sign up on the sheet in the vestibule or call the Parish Office, (586) 726-6911


† Bring a Friend to a Fish Fry: Fridays, March 21, 28, April 4 & 11 from 4:00PM – 7:00PM

† Bring a Friend to Stations of the Cross: Wednesdays at 11:30AM & Fridays at 6:30PM

† Pray for the Youth of the Parish: Especially during their Retreat on April 4 – 6

† Donate Blood: American Red Cross Blood Drive in the Fr. Mikus Hall on Tuesday, April 15, from 11:00AM – 5:00PM. Sign-up at www.redcross.org/give.html/find-drive, 1-800-RED-CROSS or contact the Parish Office, (586) 726-6011.